Canva – Time for Change Sign With Led Light


Canva – Time for Change Sign With Led Light

Too often we think that real change is impossible or really difficulty. How many times have you heard the adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”?  My response to that is yes you can, the dog just has to be willing to learn.  Current circumstances are demanding change, change in how we interact with others, change in how we see others, and change in how we Based on that premise here are some tips to help change any behavior that you really want to change.

  • Do the opposite of what doesn’t work. Look at what you have been doing that is not working(nagging, withdrawing) and do the opposite! You already know that behavior is not productive, so try something different.
  • Do more of what works.  When things are going well, don’t just take it for granted. Examine what you are doing that is helpful and do more of that!
  • Focus on what you can do rather than on what you cannot do. Don’t beat yourself up for what is out of your ability. It will only erode your confidence, and cause you to feel self-defeated, thereby preventing or slowing down any progress. 
  • When you see any progress, stick with the plan. True change occurs gradually over time because it evolves from a foundation of learning and growth. Big rapid changes usually don’t last as they have no foundation. When times get tough or a threat occurs, big rapid changes disappear as they nothing grounding them. 
  • True change requires commitment. When challenged or stressed it is easy to revert to old behaviors, as they provide that something we need for coping. It is at times like this that it is important to remember that going back to your old behavior will cause you to lose what little ground you’ve gained.
  • Change anything. If you cannot make a 180 degree change, change what you can. Any change is a good place to begin. Appreciation of the process will help you appreciate the goal.

If you want change, you have to make it.  If we want progress we have to drive it.

Susan Rice


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